Will I Have Chin Liposuction Bruising After Surgery

Chin liposuction bruising is a normal part of chin liposuction surgery — as is swelling and some light soreness. While no one especially likes experiencing bruising and skin discoloration after surgery, this is a normal part of the healing process.

Below, we’ll expand on what you can expect during the healing period following chin liposuction, as well as what steps you can take before and during your recovery to help the process go smoothly.

What to Expect During Chin Liposuction Recovery

Both before and after chin lipo, patients commonly have questions about how much bruising and swelling is normal, for how long they have to wear a compression garment, and when they can return to work and normal activities.

We will address each of these topics below. For now, let’s go over some basics about chin liposuction recovery.

Chin Liposuction Recovery

During double chin lipo recovery, you will be sore with some swelling and bruising. You will have a compression garment to wear, and this must be worn regularly for around four to five days and up to one week before you can start to wear it only part-time.

Most patients are tired and groggy right after surgery, so it’s important to take it easy for a few days. Take time off work or school, and plan on staying home for at least a few days.

bruising after chin liposuction

Bruising After Chin Liposuction

Chin lipo bruising is a totally normal part of recovery. Bruising occurs because the blood vessels are damaged when liposuction is performed. This creates light bleeding, which looks blue and purple through the skin.

During recovery chin liposuction bruising may be centered around the treatment site, but it may also extend down the neck to the chest or slightly up into the cheeks. It really depends on how you typically heal and how much chin lipo was performed.

Typically, double chin liposuction bruising starts to disappear after a few days and slowly goes away within the first week or so. You should see your full chin liposuction results after both bruising and swelling are gone. Some patients may have lingering swelling for several months and won’t see their complete chin lipo results for up to three months.

Tips for the Chin Lipo Recovery Process

1. Do not exercise or lift anything heavy.

As you heal, heavy lifting and exercise will be prohibited. Even though you didn’t have surgery directly on your arms, core, or legs, you’ll need to take it easy and avoid exercise altogether during this time. Your body needs to focus on healing.

2. Sleep properly.

You should not plan on sleeping on your stomach or your side where you could put pressure on your treatment area. Generally speaking, we like it if you sleep on your back with your upper body slightly elevated using pillows.

3. Plan meals ahead.

It’s not a bad idea to eat only liquid or easy to eat foods for the first day or so following surgery. Your jaw may be sore, so you might not want to do a lot of chewing. Having some things prepped ahead of time can help tremendously.

4. Plan activities ahead.

Some patients find that they are a little bored waiting to recover during those few days. Have a friend over to hang out with, watch a movie, or get a good book to read so you have something enjoyable to do as you heal.

FAQ: Chin Liposuction

Is chin liposuction recovery painful?

During chin lipo recovery, you should not experience severe pain, but some slight discomfort is to be expected. If needed, narcotic pain medication will be prescribed to improve your comfort. By the third or fourth day, most patients no longer need these medications.

double chin liposuction bruising

How long should I wear a compression garment after chin liposuction?

Patients are anxious to know how long wear compression after chin lipo, usually because they want to return to work, school, and their normal daily lives. While this is understandable, it is very important that you wear your compression garment for the recommended duration of time following your surgery.

The compression garment for chin lipo performs multiple jobs. First, it helps to avoid fluid buildup to reduce swelling. It also keeps everything in place following surgery. We want that neck and jaw line to stay retracted after the fat has been removed.

Finally, it keeps your incision sites clean and dry by keeping them covered. There is always a risk of infection, especially right after surgery when the incision sites have not closed yet. Covering them with the appropriate bandages and a compression garment is the recommended solution for avoiding infection.

Can chin liposuction improve loose skin on the neck?

No. Submental liposuction is for excess fat removal only. Most chin liposuction patients simply have excess fat because of genetics or weight gain. If you have excess fat because of aging only, you may actually have excess skin and not excess fat.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Diehl

Chin lipo surgery can be completely transformative for patients who struggle with excess fat beneath their chin due to weight gain or genetics. With this simple procedure, you’ll look great and feel confident about your facial profile and jawline.

Want to find out if you’re a good chin liposuction candidate? Call today to book your one-on-one consultation appointment with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Cynthia Diehl. We look forward to hearing from you.


  1. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/the-importance-of-compression-after-plastic-surgery