Submental Lipo: All You Have To Know

Feeling self-conscious about your double chin? You’re definitely not alone. The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery reports that 68% of Americans struggle with excess fat under the chin, and studies show it can take a real toll on self-esteem. It’s no surprise that many people avoid photos, dread video calls, or even grow beards to…

Will My Chin Liposuction Scar Be Noticeable?

For most patients who are interested in removing excess fat from their jaw and neckline, a little chin liposuction scar wouldn’t really matter anyway. Still, we understand that patients want to know exactly what they’ll be dealing with after surgery. So without further ado, let’s dive right in: What kind of scar will you have…

Your Guide to Chin Liposuction Recovery

Many patients fear the chin liposuction recovery period following their surgery. They worry about pain, swelling, bruising, and how they’ll look and feel overall. To help quell these worries, we’ve outlined an overview of everything you should know about the chin and jaw liposuction recovery process below. What to Know About Chin Lipo Recovery Recovery…

Will I Have Chin Liposuction Bruising After Surgery?

Chin liposuction bruising is a normal part of chin liposuction surgery — as is swelling and some light soreness. While no one especially likes experiencing bruising and skin discoloration after surgery, this is a normal part of the healing process. Below, we’ll expand on what you can expect during the healing period following chin liposuction,…

Before and After Chin Lipo FAQs

Are you thinking about undergoing chin liposuction to give yourself a more defined jawline and improve the appearance of your facial profile overall? If so, you probably have a lot of questions about chin lipo before and after surgery. Indeed, having a lot of questions is great! It means that you’re really serious about undergoing…

Quick Answers: How Long Wear Compression After Chin Lipo

Chin liposuction — also referred to as submental liposuction or just “chin lipo” — can reduce excess fat beneath the chin, resulting in a sleeker, more defined neck and jawline. Like many plastic surgery procedures, chin lipo requires a recovery period during which the patient will need to wear a compression garment. Let’s take a…