We are excited that our practice has reached a very busy steady state. Because of significant time constraints and the desire to provide the very best service to all of our patients, we are currently referring these procedures out to trusted colleagues.

Diehl Plastic Surgery Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Women choose breast augmentation for several reasons. While certain patients feel their breasts are too small for their frame, or don’t reflect their natural femininity, other patients seek breast implants to balance uneven breasts or regain volume after weight loss or pregnancy.

Both saline or silicone gel implants are available. It is possible to create a very natural, proportional look! In some cases, combining augmentation with breast lift surgery not only assists to increase breast volume, but helps to provide a perkier, more youthful appearance.

The vast majority of women who recieve breast implants are extremely satisfied with their results. They report an increased sense of self confidence, and find shopping for clothes and wearing them, far more pleasurable.

Breast Lift Diehl Plastic Surgery

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Breast lifts are ideal for women who have some sagging (ptosis) due to weight loss, pregnancy or aging. The technique used will depend on your body type, and the type and degree of volume loss. Some patients need a breast implant with the lift for optimal results.

As with breast implants, after the procedure you will be bandaged and given a special support bra.  You should be able to return to work after one week while following the precautions, and to most normal activities in two to three weeks. The discomfort can easily be managed with pain medication. 

Breast Implant Exchange Diehl Plastic Surgery

Breast Implant Exchange and Release of Capsular Contracture

While breast implants can last for many, many years, situations do arise where a second procedure is advisable for cosmetic or medical reasons. Implants may rupture, an asymmetry may develop or a capsular contracture (increased firmness) can also occur due to changes in the scar capsule that naturally forms around the implant.

If you have previous implants that you’re concerned about, the best decision is to make an appointment for a consultation to establish an appropriate action plan, the Doctor will go over all of your breast revision options and help you make an informed decision.

Dr. Cynthia Diehl sees breast implant removal patients. This procedure is also known as explantation, which is performed to change the size and shape of the breast implants, to remove the implants altogether or to address a ruptured implant.

Breast Implant removal is usually performed as an outpatient basis under general anesthesia, and can require an hour or more in surgical time. The removal is made possible by an incision in an inframammary fold or the pre-areolar incision. Patients usually have drains for 3-8 days after the procedure.

Nipple Correction Diehl Plastic Surgery

Nipple Correction

Perhaps you like the size and shape of your breasts, but feel your nipple and areola is disproportionately large or puffy. Areola reduction is usually a very simple procedure that can help to correct this lack of aesthetics.

Areolas can look disproportionately large after breast surgery or after childbirth. During surgery, some of the pigmented areola will be removed by making an incision around the outside of the areola. Very large areolas may require a vertical incision to help in fully correcting the issue.

Inverted nipple correction is a simple procedure that can assist in repairing the nipple projection. “Shy” or inverted nipples can come from birth, breast feeding or trauma.

A small incision is created at the base of the nipple, then the fibers are gently spread parallel to the milk ducts. Once the fibers are spread, and the nipple is in an outward, normal position, special sutures are placed inside the nipple to help add reinforcement, and assist in allowing the nipple to retain its projected position.

Recovery time is minimal for both nipple reduction and inverted nipple correction. Most patients can return to their normal activities, including work, within a few days.