
Cellfina is our favorite cellulite reduction treatment and we are excited to share that new studies have shown Cellfina treatment results to have long-lasting efficacy at 5 years.  Previous to Cellfina, nothing had been shown to last more than 9 – 12 months. In this blog we are sharing the science behind Cellfina and why it is so long-lasting.

Why Cellulite is a Challenge to Treat

Below the skin, connective tissue attaches the skin to muscle, creating small compartments that store fat cells. When there are few or small fat cells, and patients have good skin elasticity, skin looks smooth and toned.

However, fat cells can grow and accumulate with weight fluctuation. As fat cells grow within these compartments, they begin to create tension. The connective barriers do not grow to accommodate new fat cells; they remain taut, causing fat cells to push against the skin. This creates the appearance of bumps and dimpling that are characteristic of cellulite. Weight gain isn’t the only cause of fat cell expansion and cellulite, however. Genetics, pregnancy and an inactive lifestyle can also contribute to cellulite growth along the thighs and buttocks.

Before Cellfina, massages, and creams were all marketed as the best treatments for regaining smooth skin. Unfortunately, these options fail to address the true source of cellulite, leaving less-than-satisfactory and always temporary results. While some patients have tried to treat cellulite with comprehensive treatments like CoolSculpting and liposuction, these don’t fully address the cause of the issue either since they are only reducing fat. Patients who invest in topical creams and fat removal procedures can still leave their surgeon’s office feeling dissatisfied with the dimple correction.

Why Cellfina Works

Cellfina’s success comes directly from how the treatment targets the structures that create skin dimpling. Cellfina uses a form of microblading known as subcision to specifically target the subcutaneous fibrous bands. Often used for treating acne scars and wrinkles, subcision uses a special hypodermic needle to cut the subcutaneous skin fibers that cause dimples or depressions in the skin. Cellfina utilizes the same concept for cellulite treatment. During the procedure, the target area is numbed and the device is then inserted just below the skin. Using a specialized technique, Dr. Diehl cuts the connective tissue bands, releasing the tension responsible for creating the cellulite dimpling.

Whereas other cellulite treatments require multiple sessions until results are noticeable, Cellfina is a one and done treatment. After their session, patients can see their skin bouncing back to a smoother texture in in as few as three days. Best of all, new studies have shown that patients are enjoying their results for years after treatment. In 2015, one study found that 98% of participants have continued to enjoy their results two years post-procedure. In 2018, however, the FDA cleared Cellfina as a treatment that treats cellulite for up to five years post-procedure!

Get Smoother Skin Today

At Diehl Plastic Surgery, we know how disappointing failed cellulite treatments can be to anyone’s self-confidence. Minimally invasive Cellfina has helped our Raleigh plastic surgeon improve our patients’ appearances and self-esteem for years. If you’re ready to get rid of your cellulite for the long-term, we encourage you to call [wp5default_option var=”phone” type=”link” text=”” link_type=”phone”] to schedule your consultation.