Does Cellulite Go Away When You Lose Weight?

Do you have dimpled skin on your thighs or buttocks that looks like cottage cheese? You’re not alone—millions of people, regardless of their weight, experience this common condition known as cellulite. While many turn to weight loss in hopes of smoothing out the appearance, this approach often falls short. Losing weight may reduce the visibility…


Cellfina®’s Results are Now Proven to Last Longer

Cellfina is our favorite cellulite reduction treatment and we are excited to share that new studies have shown Cellfina treatment results to have long-lasting efficacy at 5 years.  Previous to Cellfina, nothing had been shown to last more than 9 – 12 months. In this blog we are sharing the science behind Cellfina and why…

Say Goodbye to Cellulite with Cellfina®

Short shorts are a summertime clothing staple, but when you’ve got cellulite, you may feel like you have to cover up. Bare your legs with Cellfina®, a revolutionary cellulite treatment. Say goodbye to your cottage cheese thighs and discover smoother skin. Call us at (919) 381-5540 to learn more about your options for treating stubborn…